WOS_V1.20.1 Release

Releasing time: 2022.06.23

New Feature:

  • Auto/Schedule generate Monthly and annual statistics report of each warehouse

System will auto send Monthly&Annual Order report by email as below,

This function is used to provide monthly and annual statistics report of each warehouse(HACTL,UFHCK,PMCOI,UFCOI,ULAMS,ULCHI,ULLON) for Designated addressee on schedule time.

  • Support statistics on inventory for 3rd-party like ePlus.

Provide an interface to 3rd party to check customers’ inventory daily statistics;

1> Inventory lists that expired that day

2> Inventory lists that going to expire within 30 days

  • Customized the header sequence on query result list — Inbound Order Application and Outbound Order Application.

This function is used for saving custom header field sequence of Inbound/Outbound order query list so user do not need to adjust the header field sequence, such as OrderDate during each enter-in Inbound/Outbound order query page.

Detail can refer “headerprofilemunual.docx” in https://icil365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/wos_sup/Eq1B5_zakgpHnmgPVOVPigABb9LqaldVNOvPDNafuRYJyw?e=nNcsK9, password is wos@2022

  • [Expiry control enhancement] System should guide the OP put away the Normal part and Expiring/Expired part separately

1. system avoid user put normal parts in location that has been put same expired parts.

2. system avoid user put expired parts in location that has been put same normal  parts.

3. when user receiving same parts with different status, user must scan part by trackingNo.

Detail can refer “expirationDatemunual.docx” in https://icil365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/wos_sup/Eq1B5_zakgpHnmgPVOVPigABb9LqaldVNOvPDNafuRYJyw?e=nNcsK9, password is wos@2022

  •  [Expiry control enhancement] Should not allocate the Expired/Expiring inventory for outbound order that request normal inventory

  When user click “genpicklist” for SO order, if the allocating parts are on the location having same parts which status is Expired/Expiring, then system will lock the location and allocate other available Inventory;

 if there is no available Inventory then system will genpicklist failed and the SO order’s status will turn to NEI with popping up message like “Picklist is generated for order SO-OS4-00143480, but not requested qty fulfilled, please refer to order history remark for more detail.”, the NEI details is at the history page of the SO order.

Detail can refer “expirationDatemunual.docx” in https://icil365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/wos_sup/Eq1B5_zakgpHnmgPVOVPigABb9LqaldVNOvPDNafuRYJyw?e=nNcsK9, password is wos@2022

  •  [Expiry Control Enhancement] Should fail to assign picking for outbound that the allocated location has Expired/Expiring inventory of same allocated Part

When user click “Assign picking” for SO order, if the allocated parts in picklist are on the location having same parts which is expired or going to expired according to the expirationDate, then system will assign picking failed with popping up remind message like “Failed to assign picking, the allocated inventory is Expired/Expiring, or there is Expired/Expiring inventory of the same part on the allocated location. Included: [PN614-01] of SO-OS4-00143483”.

Since the allocated parts’s invStatus may not be Expired/Expiring when allocating inventory so it genpicklist successfully, but the current time it is expired or going to expiring, so it may be necessary to revertpicklist to avoid occupying the expired/expiring inventory.


1. If user want system to intercept the expiring parts when genpicklist and assign picking, user should set “Expiration Threshold Day(s)” in WMS part profile.

2.If there is inventory expired or going to expiring which caused parts can not to be store out, user can store out the expired or going to expiring parts via creating SO booking with Expired/Expiring parts instead of Normal parts, then re-genpicklist or re-assign-pcking for the SO order.

Detail can refer “expirationDatemunual.docx” in https://icil365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/wos_sup/Eq1B5_zakgpHnmgPVOVPigABb9LqaldVNOvPDNafuRYJyw?e=nNcsK9, password is wos@2022

  • [Milestone service] Support set up filter rule base on customer info

When customer type is E, should sync order data to eplus.